Wednesday, January 26, 2011

~.~ Transplanting Your Seedlings ~.~

Remember from yesterday's posting ... do NOT transplant your seedlings until they have their second set of leaves! No exception! Also, make sure your seedlings gradually get used to unsheltered life outdoors. During their last week indoors, withhold fertilizer and water less often. 7 to 10 days before transplanting, set the seedlings outdoors in spotted shade that is protected from wind for a few hours each day. Gradually increase their exposure to full sun and windy conditions. Keep the soil moist at all times. If possible, transplant on overcast days or early in the morning. Set transplants into loose, well-aerated soil that will capture and retain moisture, drain well and allow easy penetration by seedling roots. Soak the soil around new seedlings immediately after transplanting. To ensure that phosphorus—which promotes strong root development—is available in the root zone of new transplants, mix two tablespoons of a 15-30-15 starter fertilizer into a gallon of water (one tablespoon for vining crops such as melons and cucumbers) and give each seedling a cup of the solution after transplanting. Anything that raises soil temperature will help plants adjust to the shock of cold ground. Try raised planting beds to boost soil temperature. Tomorrow we will discuss how to know when garden soil is ready for planting. ~ Chef ~