Thursday, January 27, 2011

- How to know when your soil is ready -

It's pretty simple to know when the time is right for planting ...
* Grab a handful of your garden soil. If you can form it into a ball, the soil is too wet for planting. (Chances are the seeds will rot.) If it crumbles through your fingers, it's ready for planting.
* Another test ... make a ball of soil and drop it. If the ball crumbles, your garden is ready for seeds. If it holds its shape or breaks into two clumps, it's still too wet for planting.
* You can also step into the garden and then step back and look at the footprint you've left in the soil. If it's shiny, then there's too much water near the soil's surface to dig and plant. If it's dull, then excess water has drained away and it's time to plant.
True farmers had an even easier guideline:
when the weeds start to grow in your garden,
it's time to plant your hardy vegetables.
~Chef ~