Tuesday, July 3, 2012

~ Cherry Pie ~

Just in time for the 4th of July

1 ¼ cups of white sugar
1/3 cup of cornmeal
1 cup of cherry juice
4 cups of fresh tart cherries
½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon of almond extract
2 cups of all purpose flour
½ teaspoon of salt
2/3 cup of shortening
3 to 4 tablespoons of cool water

Directions: In a large saucepan, combine the sugar and cornmeal. Gradually stir in the cherry juice and stir until it becomes smooth. Bring this to a boil. Cook and stir this mixture until it becomes thickened. Remove from the heat. Add in the cherries, cinnamon, nutmeg and extract and set it aside. In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt and cut in the shortening and mix until it is crumbly. Gradually add in the cold water. Toss the mixture with a fork until it forms a ball. Divide the pastry in half so that one of the balls is larger than the other one. On a surface with a little flour on it, roll out the larger ball so that is fits into a nine inch pie plate. Transfer the dough onto the pie plate and trim the edge so that it is even with the edge of the plate. Add in the filing. Roll out the remaining pastry. Make a lattice crust. Trim, seal and then flute the edges of the crust. Bake at 425 degrees for ten minutes. Reduce the heat to 375 degrees and bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until the crust becomes a golden brown. Cool on a wire rack. Once completely cooled slice and serve.  Make one today!  ~ Chef ~