Tuesday, January 3, 2012

~ It's a New Year! ~

Now I know all of you ate black-eyed peas on New Year's Day -but- do you know the purpose behind doing so? And did you know there is more to the tradition? Here's the story ...

The practice of eating black-eyed peas for "luck" is believed to date back to the Civil War. First planted as food for livestock, and later a food staple for slaves in the South, the fields of black-eyed peas were ignored as Sherman's troops destroyed or stole other crops. Thereby giving the humble, but nourishing, black-eyed pea an important role as a major food source for surviving the Confederates.

Today, the tradition says you eat the black-eyed peas with greens (collards, mustard or turnip greens). The peas represent coins and the greens represent paper money. If you serve cornbread with your peas and greens the cornbread represents gold.

Some traditionalist go as far as to say ... for the best chance of luck every day in the year ahead, one must eat at least 365 black-eyed peas on New Year's Day. Black-eyed peas eaten with stewed tomatoes represent wealth and health. And NO all agree that eating only the greens without the peas will not work. So I hope you ate your peas and greens on New Year's Day! ~ Chef ~