Tuesday, September 6, 2011

~ Fall Gardening ~

If you haven't started yet and you want a fall garden you had better get going! Almost anything you grew in the cool season can be done again in the fall. The greatest thing about the fall garden is that the bugs are going away. Just like in the Spring either start from seed indoors or get some transplants. Or if you still have vegetables growing in your garden you can sow seed underneath them and use the shade to start the fall crops. Good plants for the fall vegetable garden are: Lettuce, Spinach, Kale, Chard, Radishes, Beets, Carrots, Kohlrabi (german turnips) and many more. If you aren't planting a fall garden start preparing the garden for next year. Pull out dead and diseases plants - do not compost, diseases can hang around for quite a while. Collect leaves, grass clippings, manure and mix it into the garden to compost over the winter. September is a good time to start mulching again. The weather "should" be more pleasant for working outdoors (if the rain ever stops!) and the plants will benefit over the winter from a good insulating layer of mulch. Continue weeding! It is critical to weed anything that is about to go to seed to try and reduce you work for next year.

~ Chef ~