Friday, July 8, 2011

~ Let's Talk ... Garbage ~

How many of you compost? It's not as easy as one would think. I didn't know ... not all "trash" items belong in a compost. Acidic items like citrus fruits, grapes, tomatoes and tomato products, pickles, orange juice, etc. shouldn't be used in a compost pile. These items can kill the bacteria that a compost pile accumulates over the course of the breakdown. Some plants aren't good to put into a compost pile. Plants that are diseased or weeds that have gone to seed aren't a good mix for the compost. The heat radiated throughout the pile may not reach temperatures that will kill the weeds or the disease and thus infect other plants or put new weeds in your garden. Although biodegradable, cooked vegetables, meat, dairy items, bones, fish, bread and grains, should not be put into a compost pile. These items will produce odor and will attract night time critters to your pile. Compost, even while decomposing, shouldn't have a bad odor, and if it does it could be from what you're putting into it. Composting is trying to achieve the blend of nitrogen and carbon items (termed "green" and "brown") so that you get good bacteria, plenty of earthworms, and other things that will improve your soil's texture and nutrients. Layering brown and green items with a thin layer of soil is the best way to compost. As for containers there seem to be many different items that can be used. As for me I used a simple blue barrel. So if you like me have lots of vegetable peelings "Go Green"! ~ Chef ~