Wednesday, June 22, 2011

*~*~*~*~* Squash Time *~*~*~*~*

As all of you know summer squash is related to pumpkins, gourds, cucumbers, musk-melons and watermelons. The summer squash is of course harvested while it is still in its immature stage. Some Chefs use the blossoms as well in salads and pasta dishes. Both male and female blossoms can be harvested but it is important to leave some of the males so you'll have squash later. The way you tell them apart is the male flowers are on long, skinny stems that come from the base of the plants. Female flowers are on shorter stems and the fruit will be smaller. They are more flavorful if they are picked early in the morning on the day they bloom. Roll them in a damp paper towel and refrigerate until used (the same day). So get out there and begin your summer harvesting and enjoy! ~ Chef ~