Friday, February 4, 2011

- Plant Nutrients -

Plants get most of their nutrients from the soil. In fact, there are seventeen essential nutrients, and fourteen of them come from the soil. However, before a plant can utilize a mineral, it must be able to dissolve into the soil solution. Most minerals are dissoluble in neutral or slightly acidic soil. If the soil is too acidic, when minerals dissolve, it can increase the concentration of metal ions to toxic levels. On the other hand, if the soil is too alkaline, mineral deficiencies may occur because the minerals are unable to dissolve. In addition to mineral solubility, soil pH levels also affect the micro-organisms that live in the soil that break down organic material. So if your plants are struggling, you might want to consider testing the pH of your soil. Sometimes, even when you fertilize your plants, if the pH level is not at the right level, the fertilizer won't be available to help the plants. ~ Chef ~