Thursday, February 10, 2011

~ Gelato ~

Gelato means “frozen” and is the Italian word for ice cream. The best gelato is made daily in small batches. Gelato has less air in it and a lot less butterfat (0-8% as opposed to 16-30% in premium commercial ice cream).

Gelato is an age-old delicacy that dates back thousands of years. It was during the Italian Renaissance when the great tradition of Italian gelato began. The famed Medici family in Florence sponsored a contest, searching for the greatest frozen dessert. A man named Ruggeri, a Tuscan chicken farmer and cook in his spare time, took part in the competition. Ruggeri’s tasty frozen dessert of sweet fruit juice and ice (similar to today’s sorbet) won the coveted award. The news of Ruggeri’s talent traveled quickly and Caterina de Medici took Ruggeri with her to France. Caterina was convinced that only he could rival the fine desserts of French chefs – and had to make his specialty at her wedding to the future King of France. Ruggeri became so famous that he was beaten and robbed by jealous French chefs. So he left his gelato recipe in a sealed envelope along with his resignation letter and fled back home to his chickens.

Gelato made its way to the Americas for the first time in 1770, when Giovanni Basiolo brought it to New York City. By 1846, the hand-crank freezer was refined and changed the way Americans made this frozen dessert. The freezer kept the liquid mixture constantly in motion and kept it cool throughout, making a product that was no longer granular, but creamy. Gelato did not make a name for itself in the U.S. until the late 1900s – although its popularity still had a long way to go. Today, gelato stores are opening all over the U.S. as Americans start to appreciate the superior quality of gelato and learn about the intense flavor, the natural ingredients and the nutritional value of gelato. Gelato still remains largely undiscovered in the U.S. compared to Europe. Tomorrow, we will discuss the ingredients in gelato. ~ Chef ~