Friday, February 25, 2011

~~~ Churros ~~~

Churros, sometime referred to as a Spanish doughnut, originated in Spain. They are also popular in Latin America, France, Portugal, Morocco, the United States, Australia, and Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands. There are two types of churros in Spain. One is thin (and usually knotted) and the other, especially popular in Madrid, is long and thick (porra). They both are normally eaten for breakfast dipped in hot chocolate.
Couple of TIPS before you get started ... just like in frying raised and cake doughnuts make sure your oil is 375F degrees. Otherwise, you may end up with soggy churros (yuck). Also, get yourself one of those frosting decorator tools (pictured here). They will make your churros look professional. (This recipe makes about 2 dozen, 4 inch churros.)
1 cup water
2 Tbs brown sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 cup butter
1 cup white flour
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 to 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, depending on how much you like

* Preheat 1 1/2 to 2 inches of vegetable oil in a 10 to 12 inch cast iron frying pan to 375 degrees F. * In a separate FLAT dish (a dinner plate will work just fine) mix the 1/4 cup sugar and cinnamon then set aside. * In a 3 qt. sauce pan add the water, brown sugar, salt and butter - heat to a good boil. * Remove from the heat and add the flour. Stirring in the flour will take some muscle. Mix it in until well blended. * In a separate bowl, mix the eggs and vanilla together and then add this mixture to the flour mixture. * Stir until well blended and all the egg is completely mixed in. * Now fill your decorating tool with the churro recipe dough and attach the largest star tip attachment it has. * Test your oil by placing a small amount of dough in it. The dough should bubble up right away or that means the oil is not hot enough and a soggy churro is on the way. * Once the oil is hot enough, squeeze some dough into the oil about 4 inches long. Use a straight edged knife to cut the end. You should be able to cook 4 or 5 churros at a time. Cook them about 1 minute and turn them over with a slotted spoon. Cook an additional minute or two. You're looking for that nice golden brown color. * Remove the churros with the slotted spoon and place them on a cooling rack or a paper towel covered plate if you wish to absorb some of the excess grease. * While still warm, roll each churro into the dish with the sugar and cinnamon until coated or prepare you a very good chocolate dip.

Monday we will discuss Bunuelos until then ENJOY!

~ Chef ~