Friday, November 12, 2010

~ Chocolate becoming the New Caviar? ~

Chocolate is getting more expensive.
The reports say there is a shortage that's been building for the past six (6) years. The main reason - farmers in West Africa have little incentive to plant cocoa trees. The trees take three (3) years to mature and growers earn less than a $1 a day selling to big corporations. One expert says in 20 years, the average Joe won't be able to afford chocolate unless new research into growing higher-yielding trees prove fruitful.

Now, I have two (2) questions about this report ...

1) if the "experts" have known this for six (6) years why are they just now "attempting" to do something about it and,
2) if you read my blog about Chocolate back in August you will remember what a pain-staking method it is to cultivate the product. Why are we only paying them less than a $1.00 a day?
So, this is another prime example of Corporate Greed, which will eventually cost all Chocolate Loving Americans! ~ Chef Wilkinson ~