Wednesday, September 15, 2010

- What Happened to Customer Service? -

I know this is a 'cooking blog' but I just wanted to know if I am the only one who feels this way. Do you find yourself practically having to BEG retailers to spend $$$ with them these days? Now, we all know Wal-Mart is definitely not known for their Customer Service and we have gotten used to NOT receiving any when we shop there. The places that surprise me the most are the ones that act like 'we don't need your business'. Then you look around and there MAY be 5 customers in the entire store on a good day. Where I live there is only 1 grocery store (if you want to call it that - more like a convenience store) and the owner has the attitude of 'I can charge what I want and if you don't like it take your business elsewhere'. And that is exactly what I have done! ~ Chef Wilkinson ~