Friday, September 24, 2010

~ Tennessee State Fair ~

Another perfect example of things not being as they used to be. I remember as a child the State Fair was an event not to be missed. It rated right up there with Christmas. Up until about 4 years ago we still made a point to attend even as adults. Then someone got the bright idea to change things and it was down hill from there. They used to have an area where local churches would serve good home cooking. There was one vendor that served Soul Food ... you talking about good! The Fair Board decided to move the food vendors outside ... keep in mind the Fair takes place in early September when the temperatures are still in the 90's. That alone is a bad decision. The Fair date should have been moved to later in the Fall when the temperatures are much more pleasant. Factors such as that are the main reason why attendance dropped over the years. Thanks to Mayor Karl Dean none of us will have to worry about attending in the future as sadly this was the last Tennessee State Fair at the location it has been at for the past 100 Years! Another Politician looking out for his checkbook. ~ Chef Wilkinson ~