Thursday, September 9, 2010

* Freezing Yeasted Dough *

Extra care must be given to any yeasted dough that will be thawed, proofed and baked at a later time. Ice crystal formation poses the greatest threat to yeast cells. Fast freezing dough at 20 degrees Fahrenheit is best for the yeast. Keeping the freezer at a steady temperature will preserve the yeast cells. The slightest variation in temperature could destroy them. All frozen doughs should be thawed gradually (in the refrigerator) before being brought to room temperature. If you know you will be freezing a batch of dough keep it as cool as possible and freeze immediately after mixing. If the time in the freezer is longer than 4 days increase the amount of yeast by as much as 10 percent to compensate the possible loss. For the best results bake it fresh. ~ Chef Wilkinson ~