Monday, August 23, 2010

Proper Storage of Chocolate

Chocolate should be stored near 65 degrees Fahrenheit in a room that is not overly humid and is also free of temperature fluctuations. Not asking much is it? In the ideal conditions both bitter and dark chocolates will last for a couple of years. As a last resort chocolate for baking may be stored briefly in the refrigerator or freezer but NEVER chocolate to be used for coating or candymaking. Warm temperatures will cause the cocoa butter to melt, separate and recrystallize with white filmy streaks called fat bloom. Humidity changes will cause water to condense on the chocolate. The sugar will then dissolve and recrystallize on the surface when the water evaporates. This is called sugar bloom. Since there was lots to cover about Storage I will discuss Working with Chocolate tomorrow. ~ Chef Wilkinson ~