Tuesday, July 20, 2010

~ High Altitude Tips ~

Butter and Shortening based Cakes and Quickbreads ... here's some recipe adjustment tips.

1. Reduce leavening slightly because gas bubbles rise more easily and pop with less atmospheric pressure. A cake may fall because it will rise faster than it can set.

2. Reduce fat and sugar slightly. This will lower the temperature at which the cake will set. Decreasing the baking time prevents the cake from drying out before it is set. Or increase the flour to set the batter faster.

3. Increase the oven temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit to promote faster setting of the cake, which will help trap bubbles and retain moisture.

4. Increase the number of eggs to provide more structure. Eggs, especially the yolks, provide additional moisture for longer shelf life.

5. Grease the pans well and remove cooled cakes promptly. Baked goods have a greater tendency to stick at higher altitudes.

Tomorrow ... Sponge Cakes and Yeasted Breads at High Altitudes. ~ Chef Wilkinson ~