Thursday, April 8, 2010

- - - SPAM - - -

You either like it or hate it. I remember as a child you ate it because it was cheap. That is not true anymore. Now a can of SPAM will cost around $2.19. That's not factoring in the can size isn't what it used to be. Do you remember when the can had a key-type mechanism that you used to peel open the can? Now we have the pull-open type lid (which I personally hate). Remember when you could go to the neighborhood Country Store and they would slice thick bologna and wrap it in butcher's paper? Bologna was another meat you ate because it was cheap. Not so anymore. These days you can actually eat ribeye or t-bone steaks for what you pay for "cheap meats" of days long ago. Remember when ... you could buy a coke (down South that's either a Coca-Cola or Pepsi) for 10 cents, gasoline was 35 cents per gallon, a dozen of eggs was 62 cents, a gallon of milk was $1.10, and a loaf of bread would cost you 30 cents. Saltine crackers came in a sturdy tin not a flimsy paper box and you actually got whole crackers not crumbs like we pay for today. Those were the good ole days! ~ Chef Wilkinson ~