Thursday, March 18, 2010

~ Gardening ~

Are there any gardeners out there? I used to have time to plant, tend and harvest a garden but not any more. I have had "bucket" gardens and been very successful with them. About 7 years ago I had a "traditional" garden at my Grandmother's farm. I tended it everyday - pulling weeds, tilling, watering, fertilizing. etc. I was a regular Farmer Joe. The plants and vegetables were HUGE! I don't know if I had a greenthumb or if the soil was just perfect. The plants yielded more than we could eat, can or freeze so we gave tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, peas and greenbeans away. I won't go into any details but let's just say, "the garden done TOO well and someone just didn't want it there anymore". End of story! Sore subject! I have been thinking about having a "raised" garden but it is just so expensive to build it and fill it in with dirt. There is nothing better than Homegrown Vegetables. None of that store bought immitation stuff. If you've got a dinner plate of vine ripe tomatoes, cream-style corn and okra who needs anything else! ~ Chef Wilkinson ~