Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Does ANYONE cook anymore?

OK people I am beginning to feel like I am blogging to outer space here ... I've not received any THROW-TOGETHER ideas, NO responses to my Super Bowl weekend blog ... is ANYONE even reading this thing or am I just wasting my time? OR maybe there just aren't any CHEFS left in the world! Seems like everyone thinks a meal is something out of a can, out of the freezer or at the closest Burger King, Mickey D's or KFC. Children growing up today have no clue to what greens, squash, okra, corn, turnips, hot water cornbread ~aka~ HOME COOKING or SOUL FOOD is. No wonder so many people have health issues. I will keep blogging until I know for certain that I am the only one reading this thing and that all of my thoughts are going unnoticed. Prove me WRONG!